Common installation, deployment, and usage issues
Tip: Explanation of the login prompt 'Please restore wgcloud server release. jar before logging in'
1、What data sources (databases) does WGCLOUD support
2、The controlled host of the agent is offline, and the agent reports data errors. If the anti tampering verification fails to print the agent log or the number of anti tampering verification errors exceeds 10 times, the data will no longer be reported
3、Unable to monitor CPU temperature,[wgcloud-agent]2021/07/11 21:39:19 hostUtil.go:93: GetHostTemperatures err: An accident occurred. (Not supported)
4、Can wgcloud run on internal and local networks
5、Server startup failure error, server cannot start, server stops running, unable to start after modifying server configuration file, troubleshooting instructions
6、After the server/host restarts, the server cannot start or access
7、Windows deployment server crashes after startup
8、Troubleshooting instructions for agent startup errors and failures
9、Unable to open server web page, blank page, 404 issue
10、Slow login, slow page loading, no data display on the page, and inability to connect to the database
11、Why can't the server start after modifying the server configuration file
12、Agent process inexplicably stopped running by kill, how to handle it
13、What information can the agent monitor on the host
14、How to modify the agent monitoring reporting time and monitoring frequency
15、Where can I add a monitoring host? How to add a monitoring host
16、During peak network hours, due to network congestion, there may be false alarms of host offline. How to extend the judgment period
17、The agent log prompts an error:Token is error
18、Both the server and agent have started, but the monitoring host cannot be seen on the host list page. What is the reason
19、Host monitoring information reporting server error: Post "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
20、Which agent is used for the Aarch64 architecture of the system
21、Is there any member account management
22、Can the admin account be modified? tolerable
23、### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'wgcloud.SYSTEM_INFO' doesn't exist
24、Does it support MySql8.0 version
25、Does JDK have to be 1.8? Does it support JDK1.6 and JDK11
26、Agent monitoring Docker cannot obtain data, log printing GetDockerApiContainerList err: Error response from daemon: client version 1.41 is too new. Maximum supported API version is 1.40
27、Monitoring SQL Server database error The server selected protocol version TLS10 is not accepted by client preferences [TLS12]
28、What language is WGCLOUD developed in
29、Does it support multi node deployment
30、Instruction issuance prompt: The agent has been prohibited from executing the issued instruction
31、Does the agent need to connect to the database, and does the agent host need to connect to the external network
32、Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'FILE_STSTEM' at row 23 ; Data truncation: Data too long for column 'FILE_STSTEM' at row 23;
33、Can servers and agents be deployed to one machine?
34、Why does the monitoring port display a status failure when it is clearly open
35、Optimization tips for monitoring over 100 hosts
36、How to view running error messages
37、How to deal with insufficient character length limit when adding a page
38、Regarding the memory usage of the host, there is no explanation for calculating cache
39、Explanation on excessive CPU usage of processes
40、Do WGCLOUD's servers and agents have to be the same version
42、Do you support WeChat, DingTalk, and SMS alerts
43、What does' delete 'mean for host list
44、The monitored host has both Linux and Windows. Can the server be deployed on Linux while the agent is deployed on Windows
45、Do I need to install Tomcat
46、Can the 9997 port of the daemon be modified? What are the effects of not starting the daemon
47、Why did the logo and software system name not take effect after being set
48、What does a monitoring indicator of -1.0 represent
49、How often is log file monitoring scanned
50、How long does it take for the server to detect that the host has gone offline and send an alarm after a monitoring host failure
51、How long does it take to collect metric data after adding monitoring processes, ports, Docker, and logs
52、How to obtain process traffic indicators
53、Can the license be changed to a different server before use
54、WGCLOUD server log printing error: ERROR com.wgcloud.util.RestUtil - Request daemon process information error
55、Will the large screen display board automatically refresh
56、What does the keyword for process startup path mean when adding process monitoring
57、What do the read and write indicators of the process monitoring list mean
58、java.lang.IllegalStateException: Clock moved backwards. Refusing to generate id for 48240ms
59、What is the reason for the inaccurate total disk capacity on the monitoring summary page
60、What do the numbers in the top square of the monitoring summary page mean
61、The time and page display time in the server log file are both 8 hours slower
62、Explanation on Apache Log4j Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Has No Impact on WGCLOUD
63、Does it support the Ningsi operating system
64、The problem of garbled characters in DOS windows when starting a server on Windows
65、Explanation on the issue of large upstream and downstream transmission rate values collected by Windows 32-bit agents
66、What is the number of host connections
67、What is the load of the host system
68、How is the disk usage rate% calculated in the host list
69、After deploying WGCLOUD, does it default to not having monitoring information for host processes, Docker, and ports
70、Is WGCLOUD safe
71、What does WGCLOUD Business Edition refer to
72、Does WGCLOUD support domestic operating systems (Xinchuang Environment)
73、Can the disk array be monitored and seen
74、Login password prompt error, what should I do if I forget my password
75、Can we monitor esxi
76、How does the system determine if the host is offline
77、The problem of being killed by the system after the controlled end agent is started
78、MYSQL Error Resolution:ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
79、ERROR com.wgcloud.controller.AgentGoController - agent multiple times at the same time:
80、How to check the version numbers of servers and agents
81、java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
82、If the password setting for MySQL 5.7 does not take effect, enter the following command to process it
83、JVM error: Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
84、Agent startup error: ELF binary type "0" not known.
85、How to deal with garbled characters in server log files
86、After logging in, clicking on the page will log out, and then you will be redirected to the login page. What is the problem
87、Can WGCLOUD monitor switches, routers, and firewalls